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The Unknown Benefits of Forest Bathing: Mental Clarity and Physical Rejuvenation

The Unknown Benefits of Forest Bathing: Mental Clarity and Physical Rejuvenation

The Unknown Benefits of Forest Bathing: Mental Clarity and Physical Rejuvenation

benefits of forest bathing : Living in our high-speed, digitally obsessed world has made it even more essential to find time for stepping back and unwinding.This idea of slow reflection in nature is a worldwide trend and for good reason, the therapeutic benefits to both mental and physical health are nothing short of life-changing.

The Science Behind Forest Bathing

At its essence, forest bathing is a practice of deliberately and slowly taking in nature through the senses to create an experience entirely present-centered. Smelling the earthy, rich pine (or decomposing leaves) or hearing the soft rustling of dried oakleaves underfoot as we run can be powerful reminders. Even a short, 15–20 minute forest bath can reduce stress hormone levels, lower blood pressure and heart rate, boost the immune system.

The beneficial effects of this nature-based practice, however, do not end there. Studies have even found forest bathing gives us better moods, focus and attention — and can help heal faster when sick or injured. This is also a result of the release of phytoncides– organic compounds that trees, and other plants give off. Inhaling these chemical in the air seems to trigger natural killer cells, which assist our body kills viruses and disease.

Finding Your Zen in Nature

Finding Your Zen in Nature

Arguably, benefits of forest bathing more miraculous is the ‘spiritual’ power of a hike through an ancient forest (and beyond all that), you simply feel happier amongst abundant green. On the crab walk, as you slow your pace and tune into your surroundings it feels like a lot of that daily life stress just floats away. The feeling of intense peace and connectedness described by many is not only with nature, but also to ourselves.

Granted, not everyone has the luxury of moung large swaths of rugged woodland. It could very well be a local favourite park or tree-lined street. So you need to get into with a purpose — being fully present in the moment, using all your senses and no distractions.

Therefore, the next time this modern life hurts your eyes take a break and bate in the woods! Whether it is light walk or dedicated meditation time, this single practice can be your solution. But you never know — the outcome could be enlightening to a world of mental clarity, and physical reparation.


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